Post by alan on Sept 12, 2011 20:09:57 GMT 1
"Now that's the spirit! Unbent, unbroken and unwashed the holy hobo creed of somethingsomething" Alan smiled and took another drink "Do you mind I stay here for a well... for a few days at least?" He refilled his glass and gave a silly smile "pwetty pweease?"
Post by Isola on Sept 12, 2011 20:18:38 GMT 1
Isola just laughed at Alans sillyness. "Of course you can stay! But I've gotta go to bed now, I've got work tomorrow.." She looked at the clock and quickly emptied her glass. "If you're gonna sleep in the bed, take a shower first.. pweetty pweease?" and returned the silly smile.
Post by alan on Sept 12, 2011 20:24:13 GMT 1
"Thank you, I knew I could count on you" He smiled and drank the rest in his glass "Well a shower would be nice actually and I wouldn't want you to smell like ducks bottom at work but is the bed big enough? Not that I mind spooning but it seems like an intrusion when there's a perfectly sleepable couch right here"
Post by Isola on Sept 12, 2011 20:33:04 GMT 1
"Nah, it's okay. It's a big bed.. for us scrawny hobos at least. But sure, sleep on the couch if you want to.." She giggled and shrugged. "There's towels in the bathroom and I think the previous owner left some pants or whatever in the closet." Isola didn't want to mention that the apartment's previous owner had been Leo, luckily Alan didn't seem to have heard it when Jean said it and Isola was damn sure not to repeat it. Not tonight anyway..
Post by alan on Sept 12, 2011 20:36:56 GMT 1
"Then I'll come to bed after the shower and I'll do my best not to wake you" He smiled "Oh by the way, do you perhaps have a phone? I was thinking I might get one so I can get a hold of you and then it would be a lot easier if I had your number written down somewhere"
Post by Isola on Sept 12, 2011 20:42:59 GMT 1
"Yeah, I have a phone. But can't we take that tomorrow? I'm really tired.." Isola yawned.
Post by alan on Sept 12, 2011 20:45:48 GMT 1
"Alright sleepyhead, I just thought I'd ask" He patted her cheek and said in a stern voice "Now off to bed missy!"
Post by Isola on Sept 12, 2011 20:53:52 GMT 1
"Okay, okay.. I'll go to bed!" She hugged him and gave him a goodnight kiss on the cheek. "Nighty night, Alien." Isola went into the bedroom, buried herself under the covers in the cozy warm bed and fell asleep almost immediately.
Post by alan on Sept 12, 2011 21:06:20 GMT 1
Alan took another glass from the bottle after putting it back in the kitchen and went in to the bathroom. He turned on the shower while dressing off so when he was ready to get in the whole room was filled with steam "Here's to a warm bed" he toasted to himself and emptied the glass. After a long shower he sneaked into the bedroom and gently slipped into the bed next to Isola and fell asleep feeling warm, something he hadn't done for a very long time.
Post by Isola on Sept 14, 2011 19:54:40 GMT 1
The next morning when Isola woke up she had forgotten about Alan sleeping in her bed and almost smacked him in the head, but fortunately for him Isola didn't. She got up and into the shower to clear her drowsy head, put on clothes and made a fresh pot of coffee. Isola poured a cup for herself and one for Alan. "Good morning." She said while putting the coffee on the nightstand and gently nudging him.
Post by alan on Sept 14, 2011 21:08:46 GMT 1
Alan was barely awake when he saw the cup of coffee and realized Isola had said something "hmmm wha...?" He rubbed his eyes and looked up at her "What time is it? Good morning by the way" Sitting up in the bed he took the cup in his hands and drank "Wow, I don't know when I last had coffee in the morning." He smiled at her "You should be careful, I could get used to waking up in your bed and you probably don't want me hanging around here for the rest of my life" Laughing he got up from the bed, stretched his arms and yawned "SO when are you going to work?"
Post by Isola on Sept 15, 2011 22:51:38 GMT 1
"It's okay, Alan. I'll always want you around." Isola smiled. "Right now actually, I just want to finish my cup and tell you that there are some money for a cheap phone on the coffee table, also if you're going out the extra set of keys that Jean left are next to the money." She emptied her cup, rose from the bed and went to take her jacket. "See you later." Isola waved goodbye and walked out the door.
Post by alan on Sept 17, 2011 13:02:50 GMT 1
"Alright, see you later I guess" He looked as she left and then went to the kitchen to see if there was something small to eat. After having a small bite and getting dressed he took the money for the phone and the keys and left the apartment. His first order of business he decided was to go get that phone and after that was done he looked up a place where he knew he could get hooked up. Alan decided to find a quiet place where he could get high and relax for a while before going back to Isola's apartment, he didn't want to do it in her apartment because he knew she disliked his drug-use. After an hour or so he went back to the apartment and on the way back he picked up a few biscuits for some money found in his pants. When Alan got back he started wiping off the kitchen counter and the sofa table, when that was done he made the bed and then he took a short nap on the sofa while waiting for Isola to come home.
Post by Isola on Sept 17, 2011 23:56:44 GMT 1
Isola opened the door to the apartment, although it was kind of hard with the two grocery bags in her hands. She thought that since Alan would live with her, the pantry needed some refilling. "Honey? I'm home!" She said smiling as she saw Alan on the couch.
Post by alan on Sept 18, 2011 0:19:26 GMT 1
Alan opened his eyes "Hello love, check my housewife skills" He said and pointed toward the kitchen with one hand and the bedroom with the other while nodding the sofa table. "At least I've tried, seemed like I should make myself helpful since you let me stay". Alan smiled and got up from the couch went over to Isola and took the grocery bags from her hands.