Post by Jean on Nov 22, 2011 18:44:22 GMT 1
"I'm not exactly sure that is what happened. Risk is that my vampire friends gets you into even deeper shit than now." She didn't much like asking them for help. Not since Leo snapped anyway. "How come you can't get yourself away from Sarah?"
Post by Isola on Nov 22, 2011 19:50:40 GMT 1
Isola let out a frustated laugh. "She shoved her blood down my throat and now I'm obligated to do whatever she tells me or wants me to do. How can I get in deeper shit than I'm already in? I've hit rock-fucking-bottom!"
Post by Jean on Nov 22, 2011 19:58:38 GMT 1
That was highly disturbing, she would give Isola that. "What if you can't do whatever she tells you to do?"
Post by Isola on Nov 22, 2011 20:03:14 GMT 1
"What do you mean by that? Tie me up or something?" Isola gave Jean a suspicious glance.
Post by Jean on Nov 22, 2011 20:26:17 GMT 1
"Or something. Can't follow orders if there are no orders to follow, can you?" Honestly, she had no idea how it worked, but if the point was that she couldn't deny Sarah, avoiding her should do the trick.
Post by Isola on Nov 22, 2011 20:57:28 GMT 1
"Yeah, but if I don't answer on the phone or show up, she is gonna wonder where I am. And if Sarah wants to find out where I'm at, she will. Simple as that." Isola didn't really know how it worked herself but since she found her the first time, she might do it a second or a third time.
Post by Jean on Nov 22, 2011 21:03:57 GMT 1
"So it's not worth a shot? What did you want me to do when you first texted me then, go up to her and punch her in the face?"
Post by Isola on Nov 22, 2011 21:10:12 GMT 1
"No, I wanted to get help from you guys. You, Balthazar and.. Leo." It was hard to say Leo's name, after all he was the one who had kind of let her down when she really needed a friend.
Post by Jean on Nov 22, 2011 21:17:10 GMT 1
Jean really didn't think that would get her out of trouble, but if that was what she wanted, that was what she wanted. "I can give you their numbers, that's pretty much all I can do. But it would have been smarter turning to Simone if you wanted to convince Baz to help, and Leo... He's never listened to a word I've had to say, that much is damn sure."
Post by Isola on Nov 22, 2011 22:11:03 GMT 1
"Fine.. Then I'm basically fucked. No one listen to me, no one cares." Isola sank into the couch and felt the whole thing was hopeless. Simone had almost given up on her immediately,, Balthazar did not care enough that he would risk getting hurt for her sake and Leo .. he probably didn't give a shit.
Post by Jean on Nov 22, 2011 22:17:25 GMT 1
"People have a habit of reacting that way when you repeatedly tell them they don't give a fuck." Isola earned herself an arched eyebrow. "Or am I special in getting to hear that?"
Post by Isola on Nov 22, 2011 22:39:41 GMT 1
"No, I asked people for help and no one gave a shit, among them was your blonde friend. That's how I know, by experience! No one cares for a little homeless girl without family or friends!" Isola was so distraught that she almsost cried out the words, but her lack of blood and eneegy made it like a sound like a hoarse but loud whisper. Then she calmed down and sunk down into the couch again.
Post by Jean on Nov 22, 2011 22:54:38 GMT 1
"Lets get something straight right now, this is your home, so per definition, you are not homeless." Jean got more annoyed than sympathetic, but still stayed. "A home you got, free of charge, from that blonde friend of mine. By saying he didn't give a shit, you just shat over everything he gave you right there."
Post by Isola on Nov 22, 2011 23:42:33 GMT 1
"This is not my home, this is what he left behind and no, he didn't care he just wanted to get rid of me.. Even Alan left and you'll soon too.. " Isola was a bit annoyed that Jean took Leo's side, but sank down into her own world again, a dream state. A place where she had not been for a couple of weeks, which was a long time for her. It was easier for her to deal with reality, when it all was in her head, that she imagined everything. "Do you really care?"she asked absent.
Post by Jean on Nov 23, 2011 0:30:21 GMT 1
"I would like for nothing more than to leave and prove you right, but I'm not going to. If Leo just wanted to get rid of you, he could have easily done so without giving up his home to you. He helps you without asking for as much as a thank you and you spit in his face." Metaphorically anyway. "And then you wonder why people don't want to help you? No one likes an ungrateful brat and no one likes helping one." She didn't move from her spot still, but Isola was really making her angry.